Firebase tools: login as service account
firebaser here
Since version 7.1 of the Firebase CLI/tools it is possible to authenticate with a service account.
Also see Michael's answer here: Login to firebase using gcloud service account
Previous answer:
To use the Firebase CLI/tools you need to be signed in as an actual user. There is no way to run the Firebase CLI as a service account.
It's been noted as a valid and interesting feature request though! Some work that might help towards this feature is being done in this PR. As usual: no commits on if/when/how this may land. Keep an eye on the release notes for the latest updates.
This works:
$> gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./secrets.json --iam-account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL>
$> export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="./secrets.json"
$> firebase deploy --project <PROJECT_ID>
You can actually use the refresh token of a Google account (service account or otherwise) that has access to Firebase roles, and set it to the FIREBASE_TOKEN
environment variable.
For example I use Cloud Build (which has an associated service account that is already logged into gcloud
) and then set FIREBASE_TOKEN
to the output of
gcloud auth application-default print-access-token