First underscore in a DataGridColumnHeader gets removed

I like umbreon222's solution. If you're like me and use DataGrids all the time and have a library you always reference (like I do), you can create a child of the DataGrid class that registers that event handler all the time:

using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace MCLBZ7.Controls
    public class MCLDataGrid : DataGrid
        public MCLDataGrid() : base()
            this.AutoGeneratingColumn += DG_AG_Header;

        private void DG_AG_Header(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
            string header = e.Column.Header.ToString();
            e.Column.Header = header.Replace("_", "__");

It's because of AccessKey handling. Just write an event handler like this to temporarily escape the underscores in the datagrid header.

private void DataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
    string header = e.Column.Header.ToString();

    // Replace all underscores with two underscores, to prevent AccessKey handling
    e.Column.Header = header.Replace("_", "__");

This blog post says that you can escape the underscore by doubling it: "data__grid_thing".

Another approach can be found in the accepted answer to this question