Flattening SVG matrix transforms in Inkscape

Paste In Place can help you:

  1. Double click the group in Inkscape, to enter it.
  2. Select all the contents of the group by pressing Ctrl+A, and copy them with Ctrl+C.
  3. Double click outside the group to leave the group.
  4. Edit > Paste In Place (Ctrl+Alt+V) – at this point, group transformations are applied to the obects you paste.
  5. Group the objects again (Ctrl+G)
  6. Move the new group to the same depth as the original, and delete the original group. (This is probably easier with the XML editor, Ctrl+Shift+X.)

You can bake the coords selecting the path then using Path -> Union (CTRL++). Hope this helps

Short answer

When typing the transformation matrix params in Inkscape, make sure you have "Edit current matrix" checked, since if you apply a new transformation matrix to an object, you're actually multiplying this new matrix with the existing transformation matrix of the object, so make sure you edit it instead.
enter image description here

Long Answer

How to recalculate everything yourself.

First let us try and understand the transformation matrices a bit. A transformation matrix is a quick and clever tool for applying affine transformations ( transformation which preserves straight lines) to a vector.
So, if you have a vector (say, 2d coordinates) and a transformation matrix, and multiply the two together, you will end up with transformed coordinates, with the transformations defined in the transformation matrix, applied.
transformation matrix
Calculating x' and y' is done like so:

x' = a*x + c*y + e 
y' = b*x + d*y + f

Next, we need to understand the svg format a bit.
According to the w3c svg spec the matrix transform takes exactly those 6 parameters (a,b,c,d,e,f) as arguments.
Therefore, from your example,

<g transform="matrix(0.443,0.896,-0.896,0.443,589.739,-373.223)">

we have the following transformation matrix params:


Now, if we have the following example coordinate: x=27, y=-9, we can transform it, by using the previously defined transformation matrix like this:

x' = a*x + c*y + e 
x' = 0.443*27 + -0.896*-9 + 589.739
x' = 609.764

y' = b*x + d*y + f
y' = 0.896*27 + 0.443*-9 -373.223
y' = −353.018

Neat, huh? You can get more info here

But that is not all. We also need to understand svg path data.
According to the w3c svg path dspecification each letter in the path data represents an instruction. And each of the number pairs that follow an instruction represent a coordinate value.

From your example, we have the following path:

<path d="M486,313s27-9,43-29l26,4,1,23-22,5s-25-6-48-3z" />

Here we see that this path object uses one absolute moveto instruction (uppercase M), a relative smooth curveto cubic Bézier curve (lowercase s), a relative lineto instruction (lowercase l), and another relative smooth curveto cubic Bézier curve instruction, followed by a closepath instruction (lowercase z).

M486,313 is translated to absolute moveto x=486, y=313
s27-9,43-29 is a bit more complicated to read because some comas are omitted because they're not needed if the negative number is negative, so the minus sign acts as a coma - anyways, it translates to relative smooth bezier curveto x=27, y=-9, x=43, y=-29 (one destination point and one control point)
And so on.

So, how do we apply and remove the transformation matrix from your svg group? Like so:

// we read the transformation matrix params
// <g transform="matrix(0.443,0.896,-0.896,0.443,589.739,-373.223)">

// we read the path data, and transform each instruction    
// <path d="M486,313s27-9,43-29l26,4,1,23-22,5s-25-6-48-3z" />

M486,313 Absolute move to

x' = a*x + c*y + e = a*486 + c*313 + e = 524.589
y' = b*x + d*y + f = b*486 + d*313 + f = 200.892

Move to instruction is now M524.589,200.892

S27-9,43-29 - smooth curveto, repeat the same process for each coordinate, but set the e and f (translation parameters) to 0, since it's a relative instruction not an absolute.
It is now

will become

will become

And z will remain z

So the resulting transformed path will be:

<path d="M524.589,200.892s20.025,20.205,45.033,25.680999999999997l7.934000000000001,25.067999999999998,-20.165,11.085,-14.226,-17.497s-5.698999999999999,-25.058000000000003,-18.576,-44.337z" />

I hope this makes sense to you.