Flutter Class inheritance

I wouldn't do the parse fromJson the way you're doing since you need to pass an empty instance of the model to be able to create a valid instance of the same object. But in order to have your architecture working you need to do some corrections:

1 - make usage of generics.


abstract class BaseRepository<T extends BaseModel> {
  BaseRepository({this.table, this.model});

  final String table;
  final T model;

  // Retrieve all the items
  Future<List<T>> all() async {
    final sql = '''SELECT * FROM $table''';
    final data = await db.rawQuery(sql);

    return data.map((node) {
      return model.fromJson(jsonData: node);

  Future<T> findById(int id) async {
    final sql = '''SELECT * FROM $table
    WHERE id = ?''';

    final data = await db.rawQuery(sql, [id]);

    return model.fromJson(jsonData: data.first);

  // Count all the items
  Future<int> count() async {
    final data = await db.rawQuery('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table''');

    int count = data[0].values.elementAt(0);
    int idForNewItem = count++;
    return idForNewItem;

  // clear the table
  Future<void> delete() async {
    // truncate current database table
    await db.rawQuery('''DELETE FROM $table''');

2 - correctly call the super constructor


class TimesheetRepository extends BaseRepository<TimesheetModel> {
  ///IMHO you should not pass TimesheetModel instance here, it is really redundant
  ///you can create a parse class that receives the type and a json and does the 
  TimesheetRepository() : super(table: 'timesheets', model: TimesheetModel());

3 - add the correct return to your fromJson method

abstract class BaseModel {
  BaseModel fromJson({Map<String, dynamic> jsonData});

I could not test it integrated with the database, so let me know if that works.