Flutter No devices found with name or id matching 'chrome' on Windows 10

Did you try to switch to master channel ? Or to run "flutter create ." in the project root ?

If not, you can try :

flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
flutter config --enable-web
cd <into project directory>
flutter create .
flutter run -d chrome

As OP suggested I am listing my comments from above, as an answer. I believe the portable chrome usage is new w.r.t flutter and suspect this could be useful for others instead of deleting the question.

Some of the options you can try in Windows 10 are.

  1. Run the refreshenv command in the commanda prompt.
  2. Make sure to have correct flutter installation in your path.
  3. Remove the double quotes " " around the path string.

In this case the 3rd option solved the issue.👍

This solution worked for me:

$ flutter upgrade
$ flutter config --enable-web
$ flutter run -d chrome

If chrome is not available in Flutter device selection try restarting the IDE.

Create system environment variables for user and system with Variable name: chrome Variable path: path_to_chrome


Flutter Web