Focus an element after it appears via ngIf

You can use ViewChildren and the QueryList.changes event to be notified when the button is added to or removed from the view. If the QueryList contains the button element, you can set the focus on it. See this stackblitz for a demo. Suggestion: you may want to do something similar to set the focus on the input field when it becomes visible.

import { Component, ViewChildren, ElementRef, AfterViewInit, QueryList } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {

  @ViewChildren("durationButton") durationButton: QueryList<ElementRef>;

  enteringDuration = false

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.setFocus(); // If the button is already present...
    this.durationButton.changes.subscribe(() => {

  setFocus() {
    if (this.durationButton.length > 0) {

  enterDuration() {
    this.enteringDuration = true

  setDuration() {
    this.enteringDuration = false