Footnote, non-inline syntax?

The sepfootnotes package might do the trick, but the footnote content has to come before it's usage:


\Anotecontent{a}{So complex that I would prefer to pull out the footnote text.}

This is a very long complex\Anote{a} sentence.


The following code defines a macro \longfootnote[fn-label]{footnote text}, which produces a footnote and assigns it a label which can be cross-referenced in the usual way using \ref to produce a footnote mark.

            \string\c@footnote \number\c@footnote\string\relax

This code is effectively a composition of of the code from \label and \@xfootnotemark from latex.ltx, writing a label to the auxiliary file which consists of a footnotemark for the new footnote. If you use an editor which recompiles whenever the labels change, you should quickly obtain a new document in which references to the long footnotes appear properly.

Sample document.

\usepackage[left=5mm,right=5mm,paperheight=55mm, paperwidth=62mm]{geometry}
            \string\c@footnote \number\c@footnote\string\relax

\section{A demonstration}

Here\footnote{foo} is\ref{c} a\ref{a} test\footnote{bar} paragraph.\ref{b}


This text\footnote{fie} is a part of Section~\ref{sec:test}.


Sample document with long footnotes and cross-references

The long footnotes should not interfere with any other cross-referencing, as illustrated above.

You might also just define a new command and use it inside the regular \footnote command, e.g.,

\newcommand{\fnOne}{A footnote.}
\newcommand{\fnTwo}{Another footnote.}

A text\footnote{\fnOne} with some\footnote{\fnTwo} footnotes.

Which produces the expected:

enter image description here

One issue with this approach is that you cannot use numbers within command names, which might or might bother you in this case.

That said, I agree that using the setfootnotes package might be the more canonical answer and @Neil de Beaudrop 's answer is more flexible and useful in some scenarios. I'm just providing an alternative.

