Foreach loop inside the Tikz picture - Creation of memory cards using Tikz

This is just a simple example with tcbraster. You can fix columns number and distance between rows and columns, color of background boxes, titles, ...


\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=4, raster equal height=rows, size=fbox, colframe=red!50!black, center title]
\tcbincludegraphics[title=fourth, colback=green]{example-image-C}
\tcbincludegraphics[title=first, colframe=blue]{example-image}


enter image description here

Here is an option using the standard TeX "array" approach (an example): use \csname - \endcsname (or in this case the LaTeX wrappers \@namedef and \@nameuse) to define control sequences with numbers (i.e., the array index).

For your project, this requires three "arrays" one for the image name, the card title, and the card color. Here is the set up for the interface:

%%% Define "Array" interface
    %#1 is the image
    %#2 is the title
    %#3 is the color

"Elements" are added to the "arrays" through the \addimg command. For the 32 unique cards, this would look like:

%%% Define Cards
\addimg{example-image-C}{twenty one}{red}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{twenty two}{yellow}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{twenty three}{orange}%
\addimg{example-image-C}{twenty four}{yellow}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{twenty five}{red}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{twenty six}{brown}%
\addimg{example-image-C}{twenty seven}{green}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{twenty eight}{blue}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{twenty nine}{green}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{thirty one}{yellow}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{thirty two}{orange}%

"Elements" are accessed from their respective "arrays" through the appropriate "get" commands. This allows the for a single for loop to be used. Parameterizing the lengths and number of images per row:

%%% Global Setup
\newcommand\xspacing{71pt}%<== space between the images
\newcommand\yspacing{71pt}%<== vertical space between rows
\newcommand\imgperrow{4}%<== number of images per row
\tikzset{p_title/.style={text centered, minimum height=0.6cm, minimum width=5cm, font=\bfseries}}
\tikzset{p_title_line/.style={ultra thin, color=violet}}

%%% Define primary for loop
    \foreach \x in {#1,...,#2}%<==loop for each image in the array
        \edef\gonode{\noexpand\node[inner sep=0pt] (B) at (A) {\noexpand\includegraphics[width=5cm]{\getimage{\x}}};}%<==Edit to expand the file name
         \gonode%\node [inner sep=0pt] (B) at (A) {\includegraphics[width=5cm]{\getimage{\x}}};%
        \draw [black, ultra thick] ($(B.north west)$) rectangle ($(B.south east)$);%
        \node [p_title] (AA) at ($(B.north west)+(2.5,-0.30)$) {\gettitle{\x}};%
        \draw [p_title_line, color=\getcolor{\x}](AA.south west) -- (AA.south east);%
            \coordinate (left) at ([yshift=-\yspacing]left);
            \path let \p1=(left),\p2=(B.south) in coordinate (A) at (\x1,\y2-\yspacing);
            \coordinate (A) at ([xshift=\xspacing]B.east);%
%%% Define the for loop for 2 images per row on third page

The \xshift and \yshift are determined by computing the modulo of the count and \imgperrow. \forlooptwo is used for the four rows on the third page where two spaces are skipped. This is achieved by redefining \imgperrow and \xspacing.

The three pages are then created with:

    %first page
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \coordinate (A) at (page cs:-0.5045,0.595);
        \coordinate (left) at (A);

    %second page
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \coordinate (A) at (page cs:-0.5045,0.595);
        \coordinate (left) at (A);

    %third page
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \coordinate (A) at (page cs:-0.5045,0.595);
        \coordinate (left) at (A);

To yield:

resulting pages

The total MWE:

% ############################## geometry
 headsep = 0pt,
 headheight= 0pt, 
  hmarginratio =  1:1,
  vmarginratio = 1:1,
  bindingoffset = 0cm,
  layoutwidth = 220 mm,
  layoutheight = 320 mm,
  layouthoffset=\dimexpr(\paperwidth-\csname Gm@layoutwidth\endcsname)/2\relax,
  layoutvoffset=\dimexpr(\paperheight-\csname Gm@layoutheight\endcsname)/2\relax,
\usepackage[icelandic, latin, czech]{babel}

\definecolor{title}{RGB}{16, 13, 32}

% ############################### Document

\def\cropmarkgap{1}% mm

\def\Gm@cropmark(#1,#2,#3,#4){% #1 = x direction, #2 = y direction, #3 & #4 no longet used
    \put(\the\numexpr #1*\cropmarkgap\relax,0){\line(#1,0){\the\numexpr 20-\cropmarkgap}}%
    \put(0,\the\numexpr #2*\cropmarkgap\relax){\line(0,#2){\the\numexpr 20-\cropmarkgap}}%

    \pgfpointanchor{current page}{north east}
    % Save the upper right corner
    % save the lower left corner
    \pgfpointanchor{current page}{south west}
    % Transform to the correct placement
    \expandafter\pgf@x\expandafter=\pgfmathresult pt
    \expandafter\pgf@y\expandafter=\pgfmathresult pt

\newcommand{\shiftleft}{\hspace*{-0.55\dimexpr\csname Gm@layoutwidth\endcsname-\textwidth\relax}}
\newcommand{\shiftup}{\vspace*{-0.13\dimexpr\csname Gm@layoutheight\endcsname-\textwidth\relax}}

%%% Define "Array" interface
    %#1 is the image
    %#2 is the title
    %#3 is the color

%%% Define Cards
\addimg{example-image-C}{twenty one}{red}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{twenty two}{yellow}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{twenty three}{orange}%
\addimg{example-image-C}{twenty four}{yellow}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{twenty five}{red}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{twenty six}{brown}%
\addimg{example-image-C}{twenty seven}{green}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{twenty eight}{blue}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{twenty nine}{green}%
\addimg{example-image-A}{thirty one}{yellow}%
\addimg{example-image-B}{thirty two}{orange}%

%%% Global Setup
\newcommand\xspacing{71pt}%<== space between the images
\newcommand\yspacing{71pt}%<== vertical space between rows
\newcommand\imgperrow{4}%<== number of images per row
\tikzset{p_title/.style={text centered, minimum height=0.6cm, minimum width=5cm, font=\bfseries}}
\tikzset{p_title_line/.style={ultra thin, color=violet}}

%%% Define primary for loop
    \foreach [count=\i] \x in {#1,...,#2}%<==loop for each image in the array
        \edef\gonode{\noexpand\node[inner sep=0pt] (B) at (A) {\noexpand\includegraphics[width=5cm]{\getimage{\x}}};}%<==Edit to expand the file name
         \gonode%\node [inner sep=0pt] (B) at (A) {\includegraphics[width=5cm]{\getimage{\x}}};%
        \draw [black, ultra thick] ($(B.north west)$) rectangle ($(B.south east)$);%
        \node [p_title] (AA) at ($(B.north west)+(2.5,-0.30)$) {\gettitle{\x}};%
        \draw [p_title_line, color=\getcolor{\x}](AA.south west) -- (AA.south east);%
            \coordinate (left) at ([yshift=-\yspacing]left);
            \path let \p1=(left),\p2=(B.south) in coordinate (A) at (\x1,\y2-\yspacing);
            \coordinate (A) at ([xshift=\xspacing]B.east);%
%%% Define the for loop for 2 images per row on third page

    %first page
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \coordinate (A) at (page cs:-0.5045,0.595);
        \coordinate (left) at (A);

    %second page
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \coordinate (A) at (page cs:-0.5045,0.595);
        \coordinate (left) at (A);

    %third page
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \coordinate (A) at (page cs:-0.5045,0.595);
        \coordinate (left) at (A);



Tikz Pgf