Formating slide

you have many issues with your slide:

  • in beamer table environment is not a float, so it not need any positioning option (in your case H, which is ignored)
  • referencing tables without having captions has no sense
  • if you use \caption,referencing has sense if captions are numbered
  • use \multicolumns or each cell in the second table is superfluous
  • in second table you define 5 columns but use only three ...
  • I doubt that column headers in the second table have math variables, correct is use \textit{Antes} etc
  • for vertical align of your tables you can add option [t] to minipages or use tabularx as I do in the following MWE
  • I also suggest to use S columns type in the second table

Considering aforementioned i suggest the following rewriting of your slide:



        % SLIDE 40
        \subsection{Sistema de 33 barras}
    \framesubtitle{Sistema de 33 barras (barras candidatas: 7, 8, 9 e 10) - Primeiro caso}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} *{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} @{}}
    \caption{Resultado com $w_1 = 0$, $w_2 = 0$ e $w_3 = 1$:}
Filtro  & Ordem Harmônica   & Barra \\ \hline
1       & 5ª                & 7     \\ \hline
2       & 3ª                & 10    \\ \hline
    \caption{Perdas totais de potências ativas e reativas:}
    & {\textit{Antes}}  & {\textit{Depois}} \\ 
\Delta P_{\mathrm{total}} (kW)
    &   1385,291        &   1353,611        \\ 
\Delta Q_{\mathrm{total}} (kVAr)
    &   395,617         &   387,007         \\ 

enter image description here

The right-hand tabular environment is defined to contain 5 columns, but it has only 3.; do get rid of the final two. Moreover, the right-hand tabular environment contains a lot of very clumsy and cluttery code which simply isn't needed. You should simplify it drastically, maybe along the lines shown in the code below.

enter image description here

% SLIDE 40
\subsection{Sistema de 33 barras}
\framesubtitle{Sistema de 33 barras (barras candidatas: 7, 8, 9 e 10) -- Primeiro caso}

\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a more open "look"

Resultado com $w_1 = 0$, $w_2 = 0$ e $w_3 = 1$:

Filtro & Ordem Harmônica & Barra  \\ \hline
1      & 5ª              & 7      \\ \hline
2      & 3ª              & 10     \\ \hline
Perdas totais de potências ativas e reativas:

& {\textit{Antes}} & {\textit{Depois}} \\ 
$\Delta P_{\!total}$ (kW) & 1385,291 & 1353,611 \\ 
$\Delta Q_{total}$ (kvar) &  395,617 &  387,007 \\ 



