Formik - How to reset form after confirmation

I'm not completely certain, but I think you will have to write your own reset function without a button with a reset type. Something like this:

const handleReset = (resetForm) => {
  if (window.confirm('Reset?')) {

function Example() {
  return (
    <Formik initialValues={{ value: 1 }}>
      {formProps => {
        return (
            <Field name="value" type="number" />
              onClick={handleReset.bind(null, formProps.resetForm)}

If you really want to use onReset, I think the only way is to throw an error. The Formik source code seems to indicate resetForm() will be called no matter what your onReset() function returns.

const handleReset = () => {
  if (!window.confirm('Reset?')) {
    throw new Error('Cancel reset');

function Example() {
  return (
    <Formik initialValues={{ value: 1 }} onReset={handleReset}>
      {formProps => {
        return (
            <Field name="value" type="number" />
            <button type="reset">

I would still go with the first solution though personally.

Hello @Aximili you can use resetForm in onSubmit.

onSubmit={(values, { resetForm }) => {

      // do your stuff 


what resetForm can do?

Imperatively reset the form. This will clear errors and touched, set isSubmitting to false, isValidating to false, and rerun mapPropsToValues with the current WrappedComponent's props or what's passed as an argument. The latter is useful for calling resetForm within componentWillReceiveProps.

I understand OP's question was for Formik.

However, for anyone using useFormik hook and wanting to clear form on 'reset' button click, here's one way to achieve that.

<button type="reset" onClick={ e => formik.resetForm()}> Reset</button>

My issue was I did not wanted to use window.confirm(). I wanted to use my own modal so I used


You can create a function component like this

let resetPresForm = {};// You will have to define this before useEffect

const ResettingForm = () => {
    const { resetForm } = useFormikContext();
    resetPresForm = resetForm; // Store the value of resetForm in this variable
    return null;

Now Import this function component inside your

     <button type="button" onClick={() => { setShowResetModal(true) }} className="comman-btn">Reset</button>
     <ResettingForm />

Now on modal component confirm you can

const resetPrescriptionForm = () => {
