FrameTicks and Ticks on Axes in Same Plot

As noticed in this topic it is impossible an could be confusing. The solution is as usual, Overlay :)

With[{opt = Sequence[ImagePadding -> {{65, 25}, {40, 15}}, BaseStyle -> {Bold, 15}]},


   Plot[Sin[t], {t, 0, 2 Pi}, FrameLabel -> {{"x [m]", ""}, {"t", ""}}, Frame -> True, 
    FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, None}, {{{0, "t'"}, {2 Pi, "t'+5 ms"}}, Automatic}}, 
    Axes -> False, opt],

   Plot[Sin[t], {t, 0, 2 Pi}, Axes -> {True, False}, PlotStyle -> None, opt]

enter image description here

Here is a solution that doesn't use Overlay, making the result still a Graphics object.

Using the function extraAxisPlot, defined in this post, you get

 Plot[Sin[10^5 t] (.7 10^-3 - t), {t, 0, .5*10^-3},
  Ticks -> Automatic,
  FrameLabel -> {{"x [m]", None}, {"t", None}},
  Frame -> True,
  ImageSize -> 450,
  FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, None}, {{{0, "t'"}, {.0005, "t'+5 ms"}}, 
 {0, .5*10^-3},
 {0, 0}

enter image description here

The arguments to extraAxisPlot are the original plot, the range of the extra axis, and the initial point for it to start at.

Since you do not provide a definition for x[t], I can't reproduce your plot, but maybe the following code will suggest a work-around that you will find satisfactory.

Plot[Sin[t], {t, 0, 2. Pi},
  Frame -> True,
  FrameLabel -> {{"x [m]", None}, {"t", None}}, 
  FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, None}, {{{0, "0"}, {Pi, "π"}, {2 Pi, "2\[ThinSpace]π"}}, All}}] 

As you can see, changing the specification of the top ticks from Automatic to All makes the default labeling visible.
