Generating random conversions

I would use \ifcase instead:


    \reinitrand[first=0, last=100, counter=var]


    \rand\ifnum\thegrooth=\OldRand \rand \fi
    \ifcase\thegrooth mm  % 0
      \or mm              % 1
      \or cm              % 2
      \or dm              % 3
      \or m               % 4
      \or dam             % 5
      \or hm              % 6
      \or km              % 7


44.36\,mm =& \hspace*{10 ex} m\\
56.28\,dm=& \hspace*{10 ex} km

\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth\\
\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth  

\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth\\
\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth  

enter image description here

This solution uses pdftex primitives, so it needs pdflatex to run. The units are typeset with siunitx package, they are organized into an array by means of \csname.

\sisetup{round-mode = places,round-precision = 2}
\pdfsetrandomseed12345 %
\newcommand{\randFloat}{\pdfuniformdeviate100\expandafter.\pdfuniformdeviate100 }
\addtocounter{ucount}{\pdfuniformdeviate6 }%
\ifnum\arabic{ucount}>6 \addtocounter{ucount}{-7}\fi %

\incUcount\stepcounter{ucount} &= \hspace*{6 em}\incUcount\setcounter{ucount}{0}%


\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\ 
\randFloat & \randGrooth    


enter image description here