Generating random conversions
I would use \ifcase
\reinitrand[first=0, last=100, counter=var]
\rand\ifnum\thegrooth=\OldRand \rand \fi
\ifcase\thegrooth mm % 0
\or mm % 1
\or cm % 2
\or dm % 3
\or m % 4
\or dam % 5
\or hm % 6
\or km % 7
44.36\,mm =& \hspace*{10 ex} m\\
56.28\,dm=& \hspace*{10 ex} km
\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth\\
\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth
\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth\\
\randFloat\,\randGrooth =& \hspace*{10 ex} \randGrooth
This solution uses pdftex
primitives, so it needs pdflatex
to run.
The units are typeset with siunitx
package, they are organized
into an array by means of \csname
\sisetup{round-mode = places,round-precision = 2}
\pdfsetrandomseed12345 %
\newcommand{\randFloat}{\pdfuniformdeviate100\expandafter.\pdfuniformdeviate100 }
\addtocounter{ucount}{\pdfuniformdeviate6 }%
\ifnum\arabic{ucount}>6 \addtocounter{ucount}{-7}\fi %
\incUcount\stepcounter{ucount} &= \hspace*{6 em}\incUcount\setcounter{ucount}{0}%
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth \\
\randFloat & \randGrooth