Generating sources by running a project's java class in Maven

You can execute the maven-compile-plugin in the generate-sources phase. Just add another execution before the existing execution and configure it so that it just picks up the sources for the generator.

Or split the project in two: build the generator with a separate POM and include the generator library as a dependency to the POM that's generating the sources.

Personally I would split the project. Keeps the build files cleaner and easier to maintain.

I didn't want to have 2 different projects, so I tried to setup Maven for adding the generated compiled code to the final jar package.

This is the working solution I've used:

  • In process-classes phase (executed just after the compile phase):
    • exec-maven-plugin for executing a main class able to generate my source files in target/generated-sources/java folder (in my specific case I used the Roaster library for source code generation);
    • build-helper-maven-plugin for adding the generated sources in the correct location
  • In prepare-package phase:
    • maven-compiler-plugin, in order to detect the changes and recompile the module
    • maven-jar-plugin for producing the jar package

This is my pom.xml:







In order to do this in one project, there are 3 steps:

  1. Compile generator code

    We can do it in generate-sources phase, using maven-compiler-plugin. You can also exclude other source files.

  2. Run generator to generate code

    We can do it in process-sources phase, using exec-maven-plugin.

  3. Compile project

Below is the key part of pom.xml
