Get a list of file names from HDFS using python
As far as I've been able to tell there is no out-of-the-box solution for this, and most answers I've found have resorted to using calls to the hdfs
command. I'm running on Linux, and have the same challenge. I've found the sh
package to be useful. This handles running o/s commands for you and managing stdin/out/err.
See here for more info on it:
Not the neatest solution, but it's one line (ish) and uses standard packages.
Here's my cut-down code to grab an HDFS directory listing. It will list files and folders alike, so you might need to modify if you need to differentiate between them.
import sh
hdfsdir = '/somedirectory'
filelist = [ line.rsplit(None,1)[-1] for line in sh.hdfs('dfs','-ls',hdfsdir).split('\n') if len(line.rsplit(None,1))][1:]
My output - In this case these are all directories:
Let's break it down:
To run the hdfs dfs -ls /somedirectory
command we can use the sh
package like this:
import sh
allows you to call o/s commands seamlessly as if they were functions on the module. You pass command parameters as function parameters. Really neat.
For me this returns something like:
Found 366 items
drwxrwx---+ - impala hive 0 2016-05-10 13:52 /somedirectory/transaction_basket_fct/date_id=2015-01-01
drwxrwx---+ - impala hive 0 2016-05-10 13:52 /somedirectory/transaction_basket_fct/date_id=2015-01-02
drwxrwx---+ - impala hive 0 2016-05-10 13:52 /somedirectory/transaction_basket_fct/date_id=2015-01-03
drwxrwx---+ - impala hive 0 2016-05-10 13:52 /somedirectory/transaction_basket_fct/date_id=2015-01-04
drwxrwx---+ - impala hive 0 2016-05-10 13:52 /somedirectory/transaction_basket_fct/date_id=2015-01-05
Split that into lines based on new line characters using .split('\n')
Obtain the last 'word' in the string using line.rsplit(None,1)[-1]
To prevent issues with empty elements in the list use if len(line.rsplit(None,1))
Finally remove the first element in the list (the Found 366 items
) using [1:]
what do I need to have on my computer?
You need Hadoop installed and running and ofcourse, Python.
How do I query for filenames on HDFS ?
You can try something like this here. I haven't tested the code so don't just rely on it.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
process = Popen('hdfs dfs -cat filename.dat',shell=True,stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
std_out, std_err = process.communicate()
check for returncode, std_err
everything is OK, do whatever with stdout
do something in else condition
You can also look at Pydoop which is a Python API for Hadoop.
Although my example include shell=true
, you can try running without it as it is a security risk. Why you shouldn't use shell=True
You should have login access to a node in the cluster. Let the cluster administrator pick the node and setup the account and inform you how to access the node securely. If you are the administrator, let me know if the cluster is local or remote and if remote then is it hosted on your computer, inside a corporation or on a 3rd party cloud and if so whose and then I can provide more relevant information.
To query file names in HDFS, login to a cluster node and run hadoop fs -ls [path]
. Path is optional and if not provided, the files in your home directory are listed. If -R
is provided as an option, then it lists all the files in path recursively. There are additional options for this command. For more information about this and other Hadoop file system shell commands see
An easy way to query HDFS file names in Python is to use'', recurse=False, full=False)
, which executes hadoop fs -ls hdfs_url
in a subprocess, plus it has functions for a number of other Hadoop file system shell commands (see the source at esutil can be installed with pip install esutil
. It is on PyPI at, documentation for it is at and its GitHub site is