Get current computer's distinguished name in powershell without using the ActiveDirectory module

Try this (requires v2):

$filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(objectClass=computer)(cn=$env:COMPUTERNAME))"

The cmdlet Get-ADComputer (PS ver 2.0) can help.

PS:\> $(Get-ADComputer 'mycomputer').distinguishedName

The name of the computer should be the short name, like $env:COMPUTERNAME.

Be careful with the ADSIsearcher method. If you have two computers with the same name in different domains in the same forest (the issue that caused me to perform the search that returned this article), this method is not guaranteed to return the correct one. This method will simply search in AD for a computer with the name returned by the ComputerName Environment Variable. You need to be sure to cross-reference the domain to which the computer is joined if you are in an environment with multiple domains in a forest.

Moderator, this should really be a comment to the answer by Shay Levy, but I cannot make a comment because I am new.