Get each selected value using chosen jquery plugin

your code is gettin the correct selected value.. but since its multiple you need to use loop..or use map to get the selected value and push it into array..

try this

    var  selectedValue = $.map( $(this).find("option:selected").val(), function(n){
              return this.value;
    console.log(selectedValue );  //this will print array in console.
    alert(seletedValue.join(',')); //this will alert all values ,comma seperated


if you are getting commaseperated values then use split()

 var values=  $(".selectId").val();
     alert(v); //will alert each value
     //do your stuff

The Chosen documentation mentions parameters for getting the most recently changed variables.

Chosen triggers the standard DOM event whenever a selection is made (it also sends a selected or deselected parameter that tells you which option was changed).

So, if you just want the most recent option selected or deselected:

$(".selectId").chosen().change(function(e, params){
 // params.selected and params.deselected will now contain the values of the
 // or deselected elements.

Otherwise if you want the whole array to work with you can use:

$(".selectId").chosen().change(function(e, params){
 values = $(".selectId").chosen().val();
 //values is an array containing all the results.

Short answer:

You just do this: var myValues = $('#my-select').chosen().val();

Full example:

If you have a select-multiple like this:

<select id="my-select" class="chzn-select" multiple data-placeholder="Choose one or more values...">
  <option value="value1">option1</option>
  <option value="value2">option2</option>
  <option value="value3">option3</option>

You can get the selected values in an array to doing the following:

// first initialize the Chosen select

// then, declare how you handle the change event
    var myValues = $('#my-select').chosen().val();

    // then do stuff with the array