Get indexes of a vector of numbers in another vector

Using base R you could do the following:

v <- c(2,2,3,5,8,0,32,1,3,12,5,2,3,5,8,33,1)
x <- c(2,3,5,8)

idx <- which(v == x[1])
idx[sapply(idx, function(i) all(v[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
# [1]  2 12

This tells you that the exact sequence appears twice, starting at positions 2 and 12 of your vector v.

It first checks the possible starting positions, i.e. where v equals the first value of x and then loops through these positions to check if the values after these positions also equal the other values of x.

Two other approaches using the shift-function trom data.table:


# option 1
                     shift(v, type = 'lead', n = 0:(length(x) - 1)),
              ) == length(x))

# option 2
which(Reduce("+", Map('==',
                      shift(v, type = 'lead', n = 0:(length(x) - 1)),
             ) == length(x))

both give:

[1]  2 12

To get a full vector of the matching positions:

l <- length(x)
w <- which(Reduce("+", Map('==',
                           shift(v, type = 'lead', n = 0:(l - 1)),
                  ) == l)
rep(w, each = l) + 0:(l-1)

which gives:

[1]  2  3  4  5 12 13 14 15

The benchmark which was included earlier in this answer has been moved to a separate community wiki answer.

Used data:

v <- c(2,2,3,5,8,0,32,1,3,12,5,2,3,5,8,33,1)
x <- c(2,3,5,8)

You can use rollapply() from zoo

v <- c(2,2,3,5,8,0,32,1,3,12,5,2,3,5,8,33,1)
x <- c(2,3,5,8)

searchX <- function(x, X) all(x==X)
rollapply(v, FUN=searchX, X=x, width=length(x))

The result TRUEshows you the beginning of the sequence.
The code could be simplified to rollapply(v, length(x), identical, x) (thanks to G. Grothendieck):

vl <- as.numeric(sample(1:10, 1e6, TRUE))
# vm <- vl[1:1e5]
# vs <- vl[1:1e4]
x <- c(2,3,5)

searchX <- function(x, X) all(x==X)
i1 <- rollapply(vl, FUN=searchX, X=x, width=length(x))
i2 <- rollapply(vl, width=length(x), identical, y=x)

identical(i1, i2)

For using identical() both arguments must be of the same type (num and int are not the same).
If needed == coerces int to num; identical() does not any coercion.


