Get properties of a Dynamic Type

If someone is still struggling with this (as I did), this might be useful.

Let's say data is the dynamic you want to list all properties from:

This worked for me

using System.ComponentModel;


dynamic data = new {
    value1 = 12,
    value2 = "asdasd",
    value3 = 98,
    value4 = "pgiwfj",

foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(data))
    Console.WriteLine("PROP: " + prop.Name);


Then it would output:

  • PROP: value1
  • PROP: value2
  • PROP: value3
  • PROP: value4


You can use reflection to get the properties out and convert it to a dictionary:

dynamic v = new { A = "a" };

Dictionary<string, object> values = ((object)v)
                                     .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.GetValue(v));