Get Root Domain of Link

General structure of URL:



Using urlparse,

>>> from urllib.parse import urlparse  # python 3.x
>>> parsed_uri = urlparse('')  # returns six components
>>> domain = '{uri.netloc}/'.format(uri=parsed_uri)
>>> result = domain.replace('www.', '')  # as per your case
>>> print(result)

Using tldextract,

>>> import tldextract  # The module looks up TLDs in the Public Suffix List, mantained by Mozilla volunteers
>>> tldextract.extract('')
ExtractResult(subdomain='', domain='cnn', suffix='com')

in your case:

>>> extracted = tldextract.extract('')
>>> '{}.{}'.format(extracted.domain, extracted.suffix)

tldextract on the other hand knows what all gTLDs [Generic Top-Level Domains] and ccTLDs [Country Code Top-Level Domains] look like by looking up the currently living ones according to the Public Suffix List. So, given a URL, it knows its subdomain from its domain, and its domain from its country code.

Cheerio! :)

Following script is not perfect, but can be used for display/shortening purposes. If you really want/need to avoid any 3rd party dependencies - especially remotely fetching and caching some tld data I can suggest you following script which I use in my projects. It uses last two parts of domain for most common domain extensions and leaves last three parts for rest of the less known domain extensions. In worst case scenario domain will have three parts instead of two:

from urlparse import urlparse

def extract_domain(url):
    parsed_domain = urlparse(url)
    domain = parsed_domain.netloc or parsed_domain.path # Just in case, for urls without scheme
    domain_parts = domain.split('.')
    if len(domain_parts) > 2:
        return '.'.join(domain_parts[-(2 if domain_parts[-1] in {
            'com', 'net', 'org', 'io', 'ly', 'me', 'sh', 'fm', 'us'} else 3):])
    return domain

extract_domain('')          #
extract_domain('')      #
extract_domain('') #
extract_domain('')        #
extract_domain('')    #
extract_domain('')      #
extract_domain('')   #

Getting the hostname is easy enough using urlparse:

hostname = urlparse.urlparse("").hostname

Getting the "root domain", however, is going to be more problematic, because it isn't defined in a syntactic sense. What's the root domain of ""? How about networks using default domains? "devbox12" could be a valid hostname.

One way to handle this would be to use the Public Suffix List, which attempts to catalogue both real top level domains (e.g. ".com", ".net", ".org") as well as private domains which are used like TLDs (e.g. "" or even ""). You can access the PSL from Python using the publicsuffix2 library:

import publicsuffix
import urlparse

def get_base_domain(url):
    # This causes an HTTP request; if your script is running more than,
    # say, once a day, you'd want to cache it yourself.  Make sure you
    # update frequently, though!
    psl = publicsuffix.fetch()

    hostname = urlparse.urlparse(url).hostname

    return publicsuffix.get_public_suffix(hostname, psl)