Get SQL a Django model has (or would call) on .save()

If you want get the insert statement for model before saving - you can use the following code (checked on django 1.4)

from django.db import connection
from django.db.models import sql

def object_to_query(objects):
    if isinstance(objects, (list, tuple)
    values = obj._meta.local_fields
    q = sql.InsertQuery(obj)
    q.insert_values(values, [obj])
    compiler = q.get_compiler('default')
    # Normally, execute sets this, but we don't want to call execute
    setattr(compiler, 'return_id', False)
    stmts = compiler.as_sql()
    stmt = [stmt % params for stmt, params in stmts]
    return stmt[0]

From the Django FAQ:

How can I see the raw SQL queries Django is running? Make sure your Django DEBUG setting is set to True. Then, just do this:

>>> from django.core.db import db  
>>> db.queries  
[{'sql': 'SELECT,polls_polls.question,polls_polls.pub_date FROM polls_polls',   
'time': '0.002'}]  

db.queries is only available if DEBUG is True. It's a list of dictionaries in order of query execution. Each dictionary has the following:
sql--The raw SQL statement
time -- How long the statement took to execute, in seconds.
db.queries includes all SQL statements -- INSERTs, UPDATES, SELECTs, etc.

Just run python sqlall APP_NAME.