Get the number of facebook *shares* of a specific URL

This API is no longer available. The answer below is no longer valid.

I could get stats of a page (say with just a GET request to API. Just place this GET request[YOUR_URL] and get the stats.

like returns

<links_getStats_response xsi:schemaLocation="" list="true">

Hope this helps.


If you want that response as a JSON, just append &format=json to request URL – Dexter
(from the comment. Thanks Dexter!)

You need to use Facebooks' FQL with table link_stat. Use something similar to this

url, normalized_url,
share_count, like_count, comment_count, total_count,
commentsbox_count, comments_fbid, click_count
FROM link_stat
WHERE url=""

This is the result for that query (in XML format, you can of course get it in JSON)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fql_query_response xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" list="true">

The total_count (17912) is the number you are looking for.