Get the year from specified date php
You can use the strtotime
and date
functions like this:
echo date('Y', strtotime('2068-06-15'));
Note however that PHP can handle year upto 2038
You can test it out here
If your date is always in that format, you can also get the year like this:
$parts = explode('-', '2068-06-15');
echo $parts[0];
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", "2068-06-15");
echo $date->format("Y");
The DateTime class does not use an unix timestamp internally, so it han handle dates before 1970 or after 2038.
I would use this:
$parts = explode('-', '2068-06-15');
echo $parts[0];
It appears the date is coming from a source where it is always the same, much quicker this way using explode.