Getting array elements with valueForKeyPath

Here's a category I just wrote for NSObject that can handle array indexes so you can access a nested object like this: "person.friends[0].name"

@interface NSObject (ValueForKeyPathWithIndexes)

#import "NSObject+ValueForKeyPathWithIndexes.h"    
@implementation NSObject (ValueForKeyPathWithIndexes)

    NSRange testrange = [fullPath rangeOfString:@"["];
    if (testrange.location == NSNotFound)
        return [self valueForKeyPath:fullPath];

    NSArray* parts = [fullPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
    id currentObj = self;
    for (NSString* part in parts)
        NSRange range1 = [part rangeOfString:@"["];
        if (range1.location == NSNotFound)          
            currentObj = [currentObj valueForKey:part];
            NSString* arrayKey = [part substringToIndex:range1.location];
            int index = [[[part substringToIndex:part.length-1] substringFromIndex:range1.location+1] intValue];
            currentObj = [[currentObj valueForKey:arrayKey] objectAtIndex:index];
    return currentObj;

Use it like so

NSString* personsFriendsName = [obj valueForKeyPathsWithIndexes:@"me.friends[0].name"];

There's no error checking, so it's prone to breaking but you get the idea.

Unfortunately, no. The full documentation for what's allowed using Key-Value Coding is here. There are not, to my knowledge, any operators that allow you to grab a particular array or set object.