Getting Image size of JPEG from its binary

According to the Syntax and structure section of the JPEG page on wikipedia, the width and height of the image don't seem to be stored in the image itself -- or, at least, not in a way that's quite easy to find.

Still, quoting from JPEG image compression FAQ, part 1/2 :

Subject: [22] How can my program extract image dimensions from a JPEG file?

The header of a JPEG file consists of a series of blocks, called "markers". The image height and width are stored in a marker of type SOFn (Start Of Frame, type N).
To find the SOFn you must skip over the preceding markers; you don't have to know what's in the other types of markers, just use their length words to skip over them.
The minimum logic needed is perhaps a page of C code.
(Some people have recommended just searching for the byte pair representing SOFn, without paying attention to the marker block structure. This is unsafe because a prior marker might contain the SOFn pattern, either by chance or because it contains a JPEG-compressed thumbnail image. If you don't follow the marker structure you will retrieve the thumbnail's size instead of the main image size.)
A profusely commented example in C can be found in rdjpgcom.c in the IJG distribution (see part 2, item 15).
Perl code can be found in wwwis, from

(Ergh, that link seems broken...)

Here's a portion of C code that could help you, though : Decoding the width and height of a JPEG (JFIF) file

This function will read JPEG properties

function jpegProps(data) {          // data is an array of bytes
    var off = 0;
    while(off<data.length) {
        while(data[off]==0xff) off++;
        var mrkr = data[off];  off++;
        if(mrkr==0xd8) continue;    // SOI
        if(mrkr==0xd9) break;       // EOI
        if(0xd0<=mrkr && mrkr<=0xd7) continue;
        if(mrkr==0x01) continue;    // TEM
        var len = (data[off]<<8) | data[off+1];  off+=2;  
        if(mrkr==0xc0) return {
            bpc : data[off],     // precission (bits per channel)
            h   : (data[off+1]<<8) | data[off+2],
            w   : (data[off+3]<<8) | data[off+4],
            cps : data[off+5]    // number of color components




