Getting number of calls to a mock

You can do something like this:

YourService serviceMock = Mockito.mock(YourService.class);

// code using YourService

// details of all invocations including methods and arguments
Collection<Invocation> invocations = Mockito.mockingDetails(serviceMock).getInvocations();
// just a number of calls of any mock's methods
int numberOfCalls = invocations.size();

If you want only the invocations of certain method/param combination you, you can do so with

int specificMethodCall = Mockito.mockingDetails(serviceMock.myMethod(myParam)).getInvocations()

You could stub your methods, and increment a counter, like this:

final AtomicInteger countCall1 = new AtomicInteger();

Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<UsedClass2>() {
    public UsedClass2 answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        return uc2;

If you know the number of times a method is suppoed to be called you can use the times() method of Mockito

//for example if had to be called 3 times
verify(uc1, times(3)).thisMethod();
verify(uc2, times(3)).thatMethod();

However, I now see that you call the method a random number of times, so this probably isn't the best answer unless you stub out the random number generator to always return an expected value.