Getting random row through SQLAlchemy

If you are using the orm and the table is not big (or you have its amount of rows cached) and you want it to be database independent the really simple approach is.

import random
rand = random.randrange(0, session.query(Table).count()) 
row = session.query(Table)[rand]

This is cheating slightly but thats why you use an orm.

This is very much a database-specific issue.

I know that PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, and Oracle have the ability to order by a random function, so you can use this in SQLAlchemy:

from  sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, select

select.order_by(func.random()) # for PostgreSQL, SQLite

select.order_by(func.rand()) # for MySQL

select.order_by('dbms_random.value') # For Oracle

Next, you need to limit the query by the number of records you need (for example using .limit()).

Bear in mind that at least in PostgreSQL, selecting random record has severe perfomance issues; here is good article about it.

Here's four different variations, ordered from slowest to fastest. timeit results at the bottom:

from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from sqlalchemy.orm import load_only

def simple_random():
    return random.choice(model_name.query.all())

def load_only_random():
    return random.choice(model_name.query.options(load_only('id')).all())

def order_by_random():
    return model_name.query.order_by(func.random()).first()

def optimized_random():
    return model_name.query.options(load_only('id')).offset(
                func.random() *

timeit results for 10,000 runs on my Macbook against a PostgreSQL table with 300 rows:


You can easily see that using func.random() is far faster than returning all results to Python's random.choice().

Additionally, as the size of the table increases, the performance of order_by_random() will degrade significantly because an ORDER BY requires a full table scan versus the COUNT in optimized_random() can use an index.