Getview parameter "convertview" not null on new "position" parameter
You need to call bindView()
always. The idea or reuse is as following. If convertView
is null, you create and initialize a new view. If convertView
is not null, you take this view and convert it to be new view, meaning you call bindView()
with convertView
Checkout this Javadoc for more details.
A friend explained the problem to me and now it seems to work. Basically ListView only holds a small number of views and recycles them all the time. In my case I have a Nexus 4 and so it seems to have 7 views total because the 8th was always the one who started to cause trouble. What I was missing in my getView() was a condition checking for correlation between the position and the ID of the current item within the ArrayAdapter. Here is how it looks now that it works:
public View getView(int position, @Nullable View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View v;
PreviewItemHolder holder = null;
// Initialize view if convertview is null
if (convertView == null) {
v = newView(parent, position);
// Populate from previously saved holder
else {
// If position and id of set do not match, this view needs to be re-created, not recycled
if (((PreviewItemHolder) convertView.getTag()).set.getId() != position) {
v = newView(parent, position);
else {
// Use previous item if not null
v = convertView;
// Get holder
holder = (PreviewItemHolder) v.getTag();
// Populate if the holder is null (newly inflated view) OR
// if current view's holder's flag is true and requires populating
if (holder == null || holder.readPopulateFlag()) {
bindView(position, v);
return v;