Git error - gpg failed to sign data

Git needs to know which key it is signing with.

After you have setup GPG, gpg-agent, and your gpg.conf files (see this guide), you need to run

git config --global user.signingKey EB11C755

Obviously, replace the public key at the end with your own. If you want every commit to be signed by default, use

git config --global commit.gpgsign true

$ gpg2 -K --keyid-format SHORT          # <-- Shows your keys, e.g.:
sec   rsa4096/0754B01E 2019-02-02 [SCA]             <--secret key
uid         [ultimate] John Doe <>
ssb   rsa4096/A20AB8EC 2019-02-02 [E]               <--public key

sec   rsa4096/25C504D5 2019-02-02 [SCA] [revoked: 2020-06-01]
uid         [ revoked] John Doe <>
uid         [ revoked] [jpeg image of size 2670]

Where A20AB8EC is the key ID you're looking for from this example.

For troubleshooting, two things to first try:

  • run gpg --version, and make sure you have GnuPG version 2+ (not version 1) installed
  • run echo "test" | gpg --clearsign, to make sure gpg itself is working

If that all looks all right, one next thing to try:

  • run brew install pinentry to ensure you have a good tool installed for passphrase entry

If after that install, you re-try git commit and still get a "failed to sign the data" error, do:

  • run gpgconf --kill gpg-agent to kill any running agent that might be hung

Otherwise, some basic steps to run to check you’ve got a working GnuPG environment:

  • run gpg -K --keyid-format SHORT, to check that you have at least one key pair

If the output of that shows you have no secret key for GnuPG to use, you need to create one:

  • run gpg --gen-key, to have GnuPG walk you through the steps for creating a key pair

If you get an error message saying “Inappropriate ioctl for device”, do this:

  • run export GPG_TTY=$(tty) and/or add that to your ~/.bashrc or ˜/.bash_profile

I am using it. It has support for zsh and works on Windows Subsystem for Linux:

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Other users have confirmed that above is the only change required for MacOS (e.g. Catalina 10.15.7). For Macs add above to ~/.zshrc.

Proved to work also in Linux containers in Windows with WSL2.


