git log history simplification
I have to admit I didn't understand your solution - it didn't work for my example - but if I understood your use-case correctly (given a pair of commits, you want an arbitrary linear path between them, with no splits), I have the same problem, and the following solution seems to work:
- Run the log with --ancestry-path, and making sure you take note of the children of each commit
- Iterate through the results, keeping track of the "last child accepted", and updating it every time a commit references an accepted child (or there is no accepted child yet - initial case)
- Actually print the resulting "accepted" entries in some useful way
A resulting script looks like:
output_set=""; child_to_match=""; # init
while read -r; do
if { [ -n "$REPLY" ]; } && { [[ "${REPLY:41}" =~ "$child_to_match" ]] || [ -z "$child_to_match" ]; }; then
output_set="$output_set $child_to_match"
done <<< "$(git rev-list --ancestry-path --children $1)"
if [[ -n $output_set ]]; then
git show -s $output_set "${@:2}"
, supporting generally the same decoration arguments as git log
(it is in fact git show
, being called once per commit), so taking the famous lg2
example from, the call might look like this: eg: master..MyBranch --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)'
It's been 9 years, so I would have hoped there would be an easier answer, but I can't find one.
I don't think this is directly possible (unless you know in advance the exact list to include/exclude, which negates the purpose of walking the DAG)
Actually, the OP Ken Hirakawa managed to get the expected linear history by:
git log --pretty=format:"%h%n" --ancestry-path --reverse $prev_commit..$end_commit
And for each commit, making sure it is a direct child of the previous commit.
Here is the script writtten by Ken Hirakawa.
Here is my script to create the DAG mentioned in the History Simplification section of the git log man page, for --ancestry-path
You will find at the end the bash script I used to create a similar history (call it with the name of the root dir, and your username).
I define:
$ git config --global alias.lgg "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"
I get:
$ git lgg
* d7c4459 - (HEAD, M, fromA) M <VonC>
* 82b011d - (L) Merge commit 'J' into fromA <VonC>
| * 190265b - (J, master) J <VonC>
| * ef8e325 - (I) Merge commit 'F' <VonC>
| |\
| | * 4b6d976 - (F, fromB) F <VonC>
| * | 45a5d4d - (H) H <VonC>
| * | 834b239 - (G) Merge commit 'E' <VonC>
| |\ \
| | |/
| | * f8e9272 - (E) E <VonC>
| | * 96b5538 - (D) D <VonC>
| * | 49eff7f - (C) C <VonC>
| |/
| * 02c3ef4 - (B) B <VonC>
* | c0d9e1e - (K) K <VonC>
* 6530d79 - (A) A <VonC>
From there, I cannot exclude one of the parents of commit I.
The ancestry-path does return:
$ git lgg --ancestry-path D..M
* d7c4459 - (HEAD, M, fromA) M <VonC>
* 82b011d - (L) Merge commit 'J' into fromA <VonC>
* 190265b - (J, master) J <VonC>
* ef8e325 - (I) Merge commit 'F' <VonC>
| * 4b6d976 - (F, fromB) F <VonC>
* | 45a5d4d - (H) H <VonC>
* | 834b239 - (G) Merge commit 'E' <VonC>
* f8e9272 - (E) E <VonC>
which is consistent with the log man page:
A regular
computes the set of commits that are ancestors ofM
, but excludes the ones that are ancestors ofD
This is useful to see what happened to the history leading toM
, in the sense that "what doesM
have that did not exist inD
The result in this example would be all the commits, exceptA
itself, of course).When we want to find out what commits in
are contaminated with the bug introduced byD
and need fixing, however, we might want to view only the subset ofD..M
that are actually descendants ofD
, i.e. excludingC
This is exactly what the--ancestry-path
option does.
function makeCommit() {
local letter=$1
if [[ `git tag -l $letter` == "" ]] ; then
echo $letter > $root/$letter
git add .
git commit -m "${letter}"
git tag -m "${letter}" $letter
echo "commit $letter already there"
function makeMerge() {
local letter=$1
local from=$2
if [[ `git tag -l $letter` == "" ]] ; then
git merge $from
git tag -m "${letter}" $letter
echo "merge $letter already done"
function makeBranch() {
local branch=$1
local from=$2
if [[ "$(git branch|grep $1)" == "" ]] ; then
git checkout -b $branch $from
echo "branch $branch already created"
git checkout $branch
if [[ ! -e $root/.git ]] ; then
git init $root
export GIT_WORK_TREE="./$root"
export GIT_DIR="./$root/.git"
git config --local $2
makeCommit "A"
makeCommit "B"
makeCommit "C"
makeBranch "fromB" "B"
makeCommit "D"
makeCommit "E"
makeCommit "F"
git checkout master
makeMerge "G" "E"
makeCommit "H"
makeMerge "I" "F"
makeCommit "J"
makeBranch "fromA" "A"
makeCommit "K"
makeMerge "L" "J"
makeCommit "M"