Git svn rebase : checksum mismatch

This solution was the only one that worked for me:

See what was the revision number of the last change on the file:

git svn log chrome/test/functional/

Reset svn to be closest parent before that revision:

git svn reset -r62248 -p

Do a git svn fetch!

Dance at your success.

Just happened to me, I run out of space in the middle of a "git svn dcommit" and after that I was getting the same message, "Checksum mismatch".

I just edited .git/refs/remotes/git-svn and replaced the id of the problematic commit with the previous one. Next rebase fixes the problem.

I encountered this error when I just specified branches but no trunk. When I specified one of the branches as trunk, there was no error any more when I retried. (The whole "trunk", "branch", "trunk" distinction is generally speaking a bit silly to enforce in git svn as they are just human conventions without any deeper technical meaning behind them in svn.)




Git Svn