Giving an ActorPath for a testProbe

Hard coding actor paths is likely to make you unhappy later, wherefore you should take the difficulty of testing it as a design hint. I would recommend using ActorRef as a first choice, and only if that cannot be made to work fall back to ActorPath, but then keep it flexible by telling the actor which path to use (in a message or via the constructor).

I have developed a small library/DSL for dealing with such cases (it also allows to create more complex hierarchies and listen for messages for certain elements of path) The above case can be dealt like the following:

import com.github.spytree.ActorListenersDSL._

val myActorProbe = TestProbe()
("myActor" replyTo myActorProbe.ref).materialize

context.actorSelection("/user/myActor") ! "a message"

val response = myActorProbe.expectResponse[String]
response.message shouldBe "a message"

I figured out a non elegant solution.
I defined a helper actor called "ForwardActor"

class ForwardActor(to: ActorRef) extends Actor {
    def receive = {
        case x => to.forward(x)

then in my test case

 val probe = TestProbe() 
 system.actorOf(Props(new ForwardActor(probe.ref)), "myActor")