Go: Retrieve a string from between two characters or other strings

If the string looks like whatever;START;extract;END;whatever you can use this which will get the string in between:

// GetStringInBetween Returns empty string if no start string found
func GetStringInBetween(str string, start string, end string) (result string) {
    s := strings.Index(str, start)
    if s == -1 {
    s += len(start)
    e := strings.Index(str[s:], end)
    if e == -1 {
    e += s + e - 1
    return str[s:e]

What happens here is it will find first index of START, adds length of START string and returns all that exists from there until first index of END.

I improved the Jan Kardaš`s answer. now you can find string with more than 1 character at the start and end.

func GetStringInBetweenTwoString(str string, startS string, endS string) (result string,found bool) {
    s := strings.Index(str, startS)
    if s == -1 {
        return result,false
    newS := str[s+len(startS):]
    e := strings.Index(newS, endS)
    if e == -1 {
        return result,false
    result = newS[:e]
    return result,true

There are lots of ways to split strings in all programming languages.

Since I don't know what you are especially asking for I provide a sample way to get the output you want from your sample.

package main

import "strings"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    initial := "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"

    out := strings.TrimLeft(strings.TrimRight(initial,"</h1>"),"<h1>")

In the above code you trim <h1> from the left of the string and </h1> from the right.

As I said there are hundreds of ways to split specific strings and this is only a sample to get you started.

Hope it helps, Good luck with Golang :)


In the strings pkg you can use the Replacer to great affect.

r := strings.NewReplacer("<h1>", "", "</h1>", "")
fmt.Println(r.Replace("<h1>Hello World!</h1>"))

Go play!