Golang Gorilla mux with http.FileServer returning 404
I posted this on golang-nuts discussion group and got this solution from Toni Cárdenas ...
The standard net/http ServeMux (which is the standard handler you are using when you use http.Handle
) and the mux Router have different ways of matching an address.
See the differences between http://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#ServeMux and http://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/mux.
So basically, http.Handle('/images/', ...)
matches '/images/whatever', while myRouter.Handle('/images/', ...)
only matches '/images/', and if you want to handle '/images/whatever', you have to ...
Option 1 - Use a regular expression match in your router
http.StripPrefix("/images/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(HomeFolder + "images/"))))
Option 2 - Use the PathPrefix method on your router:
http.FileServer(http.Dir(HomeFolder + "images/"))))