Google Apps Script How to link to JS or CSS file on Google Drive

Google seem to have changed it.

At the time of writing, a link to the raw data works with the following link format:

UPDATE: As of August 31, 2015 this technique has been deprecated by Google.

Google recent made it possible host a file publicly on Google Drive:

  1. Create a folder in Google Drive
  2. Put any files you want to access publicly in the folder
  3. Share it publicly (needs to be "Public on the web") and copy the folder ID from the "Link to Share". For example, the folder ID from this link: ... is: 0B5AR8ct5SZfSTDZTQjNNVXR4RWM
  4. The URL for each file will be followed by the folder id followed by the filename. For example: if you saved style.css in the folder in step #1: