Google chart bug? Axis not starting at 0

To anyone who still searching the way to make the axes start 0, you can try this options.

vAxes: {
  0: {baseline: 0},

Note that I used vAxes instead of vAxis. I'm not sure why, but that did the trick.

I get the answer here :!topic/google-visualization-api/vRNJUk9aZUI

You need to pass another parameter as part of the options when drawing the chart.

vAxis: {minValue: 0}

That will force the vertical axis to start from 0, you can see other possible options here:

If you haven't data at the graph vAxis: {minValue: 0} will not help. So you can use configuration option viewWindow:

var options = { 
    vAxis: { 
        viewWindow: {
var chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(dataTable, options);