Got TypeError: Cannot read property 'passes' of undefined using Cypress when generating mochawesome report

I got the same error when using mocha version 6.0.0 or above.

If you could, try using version 5.2.0, until the problem is solved, and it will work fine.

Mocha 6 requires a stat collector to be instantiated

i’ve now updated, tested and released updated modules that fix this with mocha 6, but also retains backwards compatibility with mocha 5 and earlier versions.

Example against Mocha 5 Example against Mocha 6

the changes required are minimal

npm i mocha-junit-reporters

npm i cypress-multi-reporters

in reporterOpts.json

  "reporterEnabled": "mocha-junit-reporters, mochawesome",
  "mochaJunitReportersReporterOptions": {
    "mochaFile": "cypress/reports/junit/test_results[hash].xml",
    "toConsole": false
  "mochawesomeReporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/reports/mocha",
    "quiet": true,
    "overwrite": false,
    "html": false,
    "json": true

in cypress.json

  "reporter": "cypress-multi-reporters",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "configFile": "reporterOpts.json"


Hopefully the PR's will be merged in the source repo's soon but for now, enjoy