Gradient of $A \mapsto \sigma_i (A)$
Let $\{e_i\}$ denote the standard basis vectors. Then $q_i=Qe_i$ is the $i^{th}$ column of $Q$.
The definition of semi-orthogonality says that the columns of $Q$ are orthonormal, i.e.
I &= Q^TQ \\
e_i^T(I)e_j &= e_i^T(Q^TQ)e_j \\
\delta_{ij} &= q_i^Tq_j \\
Multiply the SVD by the
$i^{th}$ columns of $(U,V)$ to isolate the
$i^{th}$ singular value.
A &= \sum_{j=1}^k \sigma_j u_j v_j^T \\
u_i^TAv_i &= \sum_{j=1}^k \sigma_j (u_i^Tu_j)(v_j^Tv_i)
= \sum_{j=1}^k \sigma_j\,\delta_{ij}^2 \;=\; \sigma_i \\
Rearrange this result with the help of the trace/Frobenius product
$\Big(A\!:\!B={\rm Tr}\!\left(A^TB\right)\Big)$
Then calculate the differential and gradient.
\sigma_i &= u_iv_i^T:A \\
d\sigma_i &= u_iv_i^T:dA \\
\frac{\partial\sigma_i}{\partial A} &= u_iv_i^T \\
Similarly, the singular vectors also vary with $A$.
\sigma_i u_i &= Av_i \\
\sigma_i u_i &= \left(v_i^T\otimes I_m\right){\rm vec}(A) \\
\sigma_i\,du_i &= \left(v_i^T\otimes I_m\right){\rm vec}(dA) \\
\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial{\rm vec}(A)} &= \frac{v_i^T\otimes I_m}{\sigma_i} \\
\sigma_i v_i^T &= u_i^TA \\
\sigma_i v_i &= \left(I_n\otimes u_i^T\right){\rm vec}(A) \\
\sigma_i\,dv_i &= \left(I_n\otimes u_i^T\right){\rm vec}(dA) \\
\frac{\partial v_i}{\partial{\rm vec}(A)} &= \frac{I_n\otimes u_i^T}{\sigma_i} \\