gradle - download and unzip file from url

Let's say you want to download this zip file as a dependency:

You define your ivy repo as:

repositories {
    ivy {
        url ''

        patternLayout {
            artifact '/[organisation]/[module]/archive/[revision].[ext]'

        // This is required in Gradle 6.0+ as metadata file (ivy.xml) 
        // is mandatory. Docs linked below this code section
        metadataSources { artifact() } 

reference for required metadata here

The dependency can then be used as:

dependencies {
    compile 'jmeter-gradle-plugin:jmeter-gradle-plugin:1.0.3@zip'
    //This maps to the pattern: [organisation]:[module]:[revision]:[classifier]@[ext]         

To unzip:

task unzip(type: Copy) {

  def zipPath = project.configurations.compile.find {"jmeter") }
  println zipPath
  def zipFile = file(zipPath)
  def outputDir = file("${buildDir}/unpacked/dist")

  from zipTree(zipFile)
  into outputDir



If you have more than one repository in your project, it may also help (for build time and somewhat security) to restrict dependency search with relevant repositories.

Gradle 6.2+:

repositories {
    def github = ivy {
        url ''
        patternLayout {
            artifact '/[organisation]/[module]/archive/[revision].[ext]'
        metadataSources { artifact() }
    exclusiveContent {
        filter { includeGroup("jmeter-gradle-plugin") }

Earlier gradle versions:

repositories {
    mavenCentral {
        content { excludeGroup("jmeter-gradle-plugin") }
    ivy {
        url ''
        patternLayout {
            artifact '/[organisation]/[module]/archive/[revision].[ext]'
        metadataSources { artifact() }
        content { includeGroup("jmeter-gradle-plugin") }

Unzipping using the copy task works like this:

task unzip(type: Copy) {
  def zipFile = file('src/dists/')
  def outputDir = file("${buildDir}/unpacked/dist")

  from zipTree(zipFile)
  into outputDir

    plugins {
        id '' version '4.0.0'

     * The following two tasks download a ZIP file and extract its
     * contents to the build directory
    task downloadZipFile(type: Download) {
        src ''
        dest new File(buildDir, '')

    task downloadAndUnzipFile(dependsOn: downloadZipFile, type: Copy) {
        from zipTree(downloadZipFile.dest)
        into buildDir

There isn't currently a Gradle API for downloading from a URL. You can implement this using Ant, Groovy, or, if you do want to benefit from Gradle's dependency resolution/caching features, by pretending it's an Ivy repository with a custom artifact URL. The unzipping can be done in the usual Gradle way (copy method or Copy task).