graphql, how to design input type when there are "add" and "update" mutation?
A very common pattern is to have separate input types for each mutation. You may also want to create one mutation query per operation. Perhaps something like this:
const typeDefs = `
input AddBookInput {
title: String!
author: String!
input UpdateBookInput {
# NOTE: all fields are optional for the update input
title: String
author: String
type Book {
id: ID!
title: String!
author: String!
type Query {
books: [Book!]!
type Mutation{
addBook(input: AddBookInput!): Book
updateBook(id: String!, input: UpdateBookInput!): Book
Some people also like to include the update ID as part of the update input:
const typeDefs = `
input AddBookInput {
title: String!
author: String!
input UpdateBookInput {
# NOTE: all fields, except the 'id' (the selector), are optional for the update input
id: String!
title: String
author: String
type Book {
id: ID!
title: String!
author: String!
type Query {
books: [Book!]!
type Mutation{
addBook(input: AddBookInput!): Book
updateBook(input: UpdateBookInput!): Book
Finally, you may want to use a 'payload' type for the return type - for added flexibility (gives you more wiggle room to change the return type later without breaking your API):
const typeDefs = `
input AddBookInput {
title: String!
author: String!
input UpdateBookInput {
# NOTE: all fields, except the 'id' (the selector), are optional for the update input
id: String!
title: String
author: String
type Book {
id: ID!
title: String!
author: String!
type AddBookPayload {
book: Book!
type UpdateBookPayload {
book: Book!
type Query {
books: [Book!]!
type Mutation{
addBook(input: AddBookInput!): AddBookPayload!
updateBook(input: UpdateBookInput!): UpdateBookPayload!
Hope this helps!