GraphQL redirect when resolver throws error

Here's how I implemented this.

On the server side:

// Setup
export default class UnauthorizedError extends Error {
  constructor({statusCode = 401, url}) {
    super('Unauthorized request to ' + url);
    this.statusCode = statusCode;

// In a resolver
throw new UnauthorizedError({url});

// Setup of the request handler
graphqlExpress(async (req, res) => ({
  schema: ...,
  formatError(error) {
    if (error.originalError instanceof UnauthorizedError) {
      res.set('Location', 'http://domain.tld/login');
    } else {

    return error;

On the client side:

const networkInterface = createNetworkInterface();

  applyAfterware({response}, next) {
    if ([401, 403].includes(response.status)) {
      document.location = response.headers.get('Location');
    } else {

In Apollo Client 2.0, you can probably use apollo-link-error on the client side for this.