groupby multiple columns in a F# 3.0 query

The following is an example of multiple columns being used for grouping in c# and converted to f# (overly paranoid management has made me rename everything, but I believe I have been consistent):

(TheDatabase was generated by SqlMetal, GetSummedValuesResult is a F# record type)


public static class Reports
    public static IReadOnlyList<GetSummedValuesResult> GetSummedValues(TheDatabase db, DateTime startDate, DateTime? endDate)
        var query =
            from sv in db.SomeValues

            where (sv.ADate >= startDate && sv.ADate <= (endDate ?? startDate))

            group sv by new { sv.ADate, sv.Owner.Name } into grouping

            select new GetSummedValuesResult(
                grouping.Sum(g => g.Value)

        return query.ToList();


type Reports() =
    static member GetSummedValues (db:TheDatabase) startDate (endDate:Nullable<DateTime>) =
        let endDate = if endDate.HasValue then endDate.Value else startDate

        let q = query {
            for sv in db.SomeValues do
            where (sv.ADate >= startDate && sv.ADate <= endDate)

            let key = AnonymousObject<_,_>(sv.ADate, sv.Owner.Name)
            groupValBy sv key into grouping

            select {
                ADate        = grouping.Key.Item1;
                AName        = grouping.Key.Item2;
                SummedValues = grouping.Sum (fun (g:TheDatabaseSchema.SomeValues) -> g.Value)

        List(q) :> IReadOnlyList<GetSummedValuesResult>

So the thing to use is Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers.AnonymousObject

Note that you should not use the Seq module for aggregation functions!!

SummedValues  = grouping |> Seq.sumBy (fun g -> g.SomeValues)

Although this WILL WORK, it does the aggregation on the client side, rather than formulating appropriate SQL.

//in F# 3.0
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers.LeafExpressionConverter
open System.Linq

//type MyRecord = { Column1 : int; Column2 : int }
// require constructor in F#
// groupBy is not valid

type T(column1 : int, column2 : int)
    member val Colum1=colum1 with get,set
    membre val Colum2=colum2 with get,set

query {
    for d in context.table do
    groupValBy d (NewAnonymousObjectHelper(T(d.Colum1,d.Colume2))) into g
    select (g.Key)

I see this in first of your links, I think it is what you want:

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupValBy student.Name student.Age into g
    select (g, g.Key, g.Count())



F# 3.0