Handling Null Values in F#

For some reason (I haven't yet investigated why) not (obj.ReferenceEquals(value, null)) performs much better than value <> null. I write a lot of F# code that is used from C#, so I keep an "interop" module around to ease dealing with null. Also, if you'd rather have your "normal" case first when pattern matching, you can use an active pattern:

let (|NotNull|_|) value = 
  if obj.ReferenceEquals(value, null) then None 
  else Some()

match value with
| NotNull ->
  //do something with value
| _ -> nullArg "value"

If you want a simple if statement, this works too:

let inline notNull value = not (obj.ReferenceEquals(value, null))

if notNull value then
  //do something with value


Here are some benchmarks and additional information on the performance discrepancy:

let inline isNull value = (value = null)
let inline isNullFast value = obj.ReferenceEquals(value, null)
let items = List.init 10000000 (fun _ -> null:obj)
let test f = items |> Seq.forall f |> printfn "%b"

#time "on"
test isNull     //Real: 00:00:01.512, CPU: 00:00:01.513, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
test isNullFast //Real: 00:00:00.195, CPU: 00:00:00.202, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

A speed-up of 775% -- not too bad. After looking at the code in .NET Reflector: ReferenceEquals is a native/unmanaged function. The = operator calls HashCompare.GenericEqualityIntrinsic<'T>, ultimately ending up at the internal function GenericEqualityObj. In Reflector, this beauty decompiles to 122 lines of C#. Obviously, equality is a complicated issue. For null-checking a simple reference comparison is enough, so you can avoid the cost of subtler equality semantics.


Pattern matching also avoids the overhead of the equality operator. The following function performs similarly to ReferenceEquals, but only works with types defined outside F# or decorated with [<AllowNullLiteral>].

let inline isNullMatch value = match value with null -> true | _ -> false

test isNullMatch //Real: 00:00:00.205, CPU: 00:00:00.202, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0


As noted in Maslow's comment, an isNull operator was added in F# 4.0. It's defined the same as isNullMatch above, and therefore performs optimally.

If you have a type that has been declared in C# or a .NET library in general (not in F#) then null is a proper value of that type and you can easily compare the value against null as posted by kvb. For example, assume that C# caller gives you an instance of Random:

let foo (arg:System.Random) =
  if arg <> null then 
    // do something

Things become more tricky if the C# caller gives you a type that was declared in F#. Types declared in F# do not have null as a value and F# compiler will not allow you to assign them null or to check them against null. The problem is that C# doesn't do this check and a C# caller could still give you null. For example:

type MyType(n:int) =
  member x.Number = n

In that case, you need either boxing or Unchecked.defaultOf<_>:

let foo (m:MyType) =
  if (box m) <> null then
    // do something

let foo (m:MyType) =
  if m <> Unchecked.defaultOf<_> then
    // do something

If you don't want to do anything in the null case, then you can use the unit value ():

match value with
| null -> ()
| _ -> // your code here

Of course, you could also do the null check just like in C#, which is probably clearer in this case:

if value <> null then
    // your code here




