Have withLatestFrom wait until all sources have produced one value

I think the answer is more or less as you described, let the first value be a combineLatest, then switch to withLatestFrom. My JS is hazy, but I think it would look something like this:

var selector = function(x,y,z) {};

var combined = Rx.Observable.concat(
    source1.combineLatest(source2, source3, selector).take(1),
    source1.withLatestFrom(source2, source3, selector)

You should probably use publish to avoid multiple subscriptions, so that would look like this:

var combined = source1.publish(function(s1)
    return source2.publish(function(s2)
        return source3.publish(function(s3)
            return Rx.Observable.concat(
                s1.combineLatest(s2, s3, selector).take(1),
                s1.withLatestFrom(s2, s3, selector)

or using arrow functions...

var combined = source1.publish(s1 => source2.publish(s2 => source3.publish(s3 => 
        s1.combineLatest(s2, s3, selector).take(1),
        s1.withLatestFrom(s2, s3, selector)


I see the problem with concat, the withLatestFrom isn't getting the values. I think the following would work:

var combined = source1.publish(s1 => source2.publish(s2 => source3.publish(s3 => 
        s1.combineLatest(s2, s3, selector).take(1),
        s1.skip(1).withLatestFrom(s2, s3, selector)

...so take one value using combineLatest, then get the rest using withLatestFrom.

I wasn't quite satisfied with the accepted answer, so I ended up finding another solution. Many ways to skin a cat!

My use-case involves just two streams - a "requests" stream and a "tokens" stream. I want requests to fire as soon as they are received, using the whatever the latest token is. If there is no token yet, then it should wait until the first token appears, and then fire off all the pending requests.

I wasn't quite satisfied with the accepted answer, so I ended up finding another solution. Essentially I split the request stream into two parts - before and after first token arrives. I buffer the first part, and then re-release everything in one go once I know that the token stream is non-empty.

const first = token$.first()


See it live here: https://rxviz.com/v/VOK2GEoX

