Hbase fail to create table
Your HMaster not started.
1.Kindly check your Hmaster log.
If you see anything like this in your log.
INFO org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils: Waiting for dfs to exit safe mode...
then leave hadoop from safemode by using the following command.
hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave
2.If you see anything like localhost not accepting or zookeeper not accepting.
Then, Kindly modify the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname file.
remove the line localhost
your /etc/hosts file should look like this hadoop hadoop hbase
Your /etc/hostname file should look like this
You have to check the Hmaster logs for that, check the hbase.rootdir and hbase.zookeeper.quorum parameters in the hbase-site.xml file. This generally happens when Hbase cannot connect to the Zookeeper quorum.