Hello, World! with semi-common characters

Perl 5, 76 bytes

}{${$_=$`x?B?}{?\w$?}{$_=qq{Lg\LLL$&= w$&RLD=}&qq=y}\LLL$&L _$&RLDA=}=$_=\*G

This uses a feature that has been deprecated, but works locally in my terminal (which is version 5.18.2 as noted). In older versions of Perl ?\w? is a synonym for /\w/ which gives me access to regexp matching and I have enough chars for $& (last match) and $` (text preceding last match). I need these to be able to get the O. I generate this be creating a glob reference ($_=\*G which, cast to a scalar, is something like GLOB(0x7ffb728028d0)). Once that's in $_, ?B? will match the B and $` will contain GLO, I can then match against \w$ which would store O in $& which is inserted into the strings that I'm running stringwise-AND to create the rest of the text, the body of the string is lowercased using \L.

Try it online! - uses /\w/ in place of ?\w? as the version of Perl on TIO is too new.

Perl 5, 65 bytes

This is a bit more cheaty as it relies on the filename on TIO (which is .code.tio), so I don't really think this is competing, but I was happy with the result!

}{${$_=$0}{?\w$?}{$_=qq{Lg\LLL$&= w$&RLD=}&qq=y}\LLL$&L _$&RLDA=}

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Unary, 7*10182 bytes

Unary is Brainfuck converted to binary converted to unary using 0 as the counter. Essentially, it condenses a Brainfuck program into a number and the output is that number of 0s. They are usually very large programs.

I won't paste the program here because I don't know how much text SE allows but I bet it's less than this. Instead, I'll paste the precise number of zeroes in this answer:


As this is a fairly cheap answer, guaranteed to not be the shortest, and I simply copied it, I'm making this a wiki post.

05AB1E, 137 106 95 bytes


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-31 thanks to @Adnan for pointing out I could use base 108.

-?? thanks to @Riley for pointing out some things wrong.

Old version (different method):

05AB1E, 211 186 166 bytes

0g00g000000000gUX000000gXX00000g000g00g000gD0000g0 000g00000gX00000gX00000g0 00000g00000000g0000000g00g00000000gD000000gX0000000g0g00000gUXJX00000000000000000g000g**B

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First we get 255 stored in X:

00g               # Push 2 (length of 00).
   00000g         # Push 5 (length of 00000).
         00000g   # Push 5.
               JU # Join to 255 and store in X.

Then, using the same length trick we push: 1296995323340359595058728869715

0g00g000000000g000000g000000000g000000000g00000g000g00g000g000g0000g0 000g00000g000000000g00000g000000000g00000g0 00000g00000000g0000000g00g00000000g00000000g000000g000000000g0000000g0g00000gJ

Where we just use 0<space> instead of the length trick for the zeros.

Then, finally, we push the 255 we stored and convert from 255 to base 10:

X  # Push stored 255.
 B # Convert to base 255.

Still golfing using the other allowed chars, and duplication, it will be a minute.