Heroku problem : The page you were looking for doesn't exist

I know it's an old problem but I ran into it too. I realized I didn't change the root route in config/routes.rb before pushing. Not changing it might result in a welcome page locally, but on heroku it will get the above error.

I got the same problem; however, after changing 1 line code of production.rb located in config/environments/production.rb from

config.assets.compile = false


config.assets.compile = true

commit the new change. Then my sample app works fine on heroku

I'm using postgresql, and I also had page not showing up on heroku.

This command fixed it:

heroku run rake db:setup

and then

heroku rake db:migrate

I had migrated before, but hadn't done the setup first.

I also had tried setting

config.assets.compile = true

in production.rb, but that made no difference.