HexaGolf: Wordagons
Python 2, 83 bytes
while 1:l-=1;y=abs(l);print' '*y+' '.join(s[:y:-1]+s[y]*y+s[y:])
Prints the wordagon and then crashes (which only prints to STDERR).
% python2.7 wordagon.py <<<'"abcde"' 2&>/dev/null
e e e e e
e d d d d e
e d c c c d e
e d c b b c d e
e d c b a b c d e
e d c b b c d e
e d c c c d e
e d d d d e
e e e e e
xnor saved 5 bytes. Thanks!
Vim, 92 bytes
:se ri|s/./ &/g
ⓋCⓇ"Ⓓ␛$vpmlmrqqYpi ␛`ljxxhmlylv`rjlmr:s/\%V\(.\)./Ⓡ" /g
Circled letters represent Control + letter; ␛ is escape.
Mathematica 100 219 bytes
If ASCII-Art need not be Terminal-Art this should be valid.
My earlier submission mistakenly drew a star rather than a hexagon. I can't see how I was so off!
c = CirclePoints@6;
f@s_:=Graphics[{Text[s~StringPart~1,{0,0}],Flatten@Table[Text[StringPart[s,n+1],#]&/@Subdivide[Sequence@@#,n]&/@Partition[Riffle[(n)CirclePoints@6,RotateLeft[n CirclePoints@6]],2],{n,1,StringLength@s-1}]},BaseStyle->20]
returns the vertices of a unit hexagon, assuming that the center is at the origin.
ing the coordinates for neighboring vertices finds equally spaced positions along the respective edge.
A counter from 1 through the StringLength -1
of the input string allows each layer of the wordagon to be handled separately.
As n
increases, so does the respective distance of each vertex from the origin.
prints the first letter of the input at the origin.
For the curious, this is what the star version looked like. I know, it was way off the mark. It only showed the letters at the hexagon's vertices.
Graphics@Table[Text[Style[StringPart[#, r + 1], 54], r {Cos@t, Sin@t}], {t, 0, 2π, π/3}, {r, 0, StringLength@# - 1}] &["Hexa"]