Highlighting added/deleted lines, ignoring moves, in a patch file

This worked better for me to get the diff of the modified files (omitting files that were only moved).

git diff -M -C -D

From the git diff documentation:

-M[<n>], --find-renames[=<n>]
       Detect renames. If n is specified, it is a threshold on the similarity index (i.e. amount of addition/deletions compared to the file's size). For example, -M90% means git should consider a delete/add pair to be a rename if more than 90% of the file hasn't changed.

-C[<n>], --find-copies[=<n>]
       Detect copies as well as renames. See also --find-copies-harder. If n is specified, it has the same meaning as for -M<n>.

-D, --irreversible-delete
       Omit the preimage for deletes, i.e. print only the header but not the diff between the preimage and /dev/null. The resulting patch is not meant to be applied with patch nor git apply; this is solely for people who want to just concentrate on reviewing the text after the change. In addition, the output obviously
       lack enough information to apply such a patch in reverse, even manually, hence the name of the option.

Here it is, with Bash

git diff | diff-ignore-moved-lines

Ignore moved diff lines

This is what I ended up using.

Example usage:

git diff -w | /path/to/ignore_moves.py | less -R



import sys
from itertools import *

RED = 31
GREEN = 32

RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
COLOR_SEQ = "\033[0;%dm"

stack = []

def inverse(line):
    return ('-' if line[0] == '+' else '+') + line[1:].strip()

def reverse_enumerate(l):
    for i, x in enumerate(reversed(l)):
        yield len(l)-1-i, x

def dumpchanges():
    for line in stack:
        SEQ = COLOR_SEQ % (GREEN if line.startswith('+') else RED)
        print SEQ + line.strip() + RESET_SEQ
    stack[:] = []

for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
    if not line[1:].strip():
        continue # ignore empty lines                                                                                         
    if line.startswith(('---', '+++')):
        print line.strip()
    elif line.startswith(('+', '-')):
        inverted = inverse(line)
        line = line[0] + line[1:].strip()
        for i, match in reverse_enumerate(stack):
            if inverted == match:

# finished reading, still have state to be dumped                                                                             

To 'see' only the lines that are not moved, try this in a console with black background

git -c color.diff.newMoved=black -c color.diff.oldMoved=black diff --color-moved=plain --unified=0

All the moved lines will vanish visually. You will see only the lines that are actually changed. Do note that context is also not shown.

Ref: https://groups.google.com/g/git-users/c/kycBnxmmCcU?pli=1


