How are special characters handled in an oData query?
Do not use the “JavaScript String replace() Method”. It will replace the first occurrence of the special characters. if you have 2 occurence of the same special characters in the filtering parameter, it will fail. So use the regular expression to replace the characters.
function replaceSpecialCharacters(attribute) {
// replace the single quotes
attribute = attribute.replace(/'/g, "''");
attribute = attribute.replace(/%/g, "%25");
attribute = attribute.replace(/\+/g, "%2B");
attribute = attribute.replace(/\//g, "%2F");
attribute = attribute.replace(/\?/g, "%3F");
attribute = attribute.replace(/#/g, "%23");
attribute = attribute.replace(/&/g, "%26");
return attribute;
Also pay attention, since the replacements also contains %
then %
it self should be replaced at beginning
Here is a list of characters that should be encoded prior to sending to SQL server over HTTP:
Yes, the '&' symbol is one of them.