How can I batch shift the creation date of files on OS X 10.6.8?

touch only changes the creation time if the target modification time is before the original creation time.

for f in ~/Desktop/*; do
    old=$(stat -f %B -t %s "$f")
    touch -t $(date -r $(($old - 1234567)) +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) "$f"

SetFile always changes the creation time. It comes with the command line tools package that can be downloaded from Xcode's preferences or Apple's website.

for f in ~/Desktop/*; do
    old=$(stat -f %B -t %s "$f")
    new=$(date -r $(($old + 1234567)) '+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    SetFile -d "$new" -m "$new" "$f"

stat -f %B -t %s: format birth time, time format seconds since epoch
date -r: reformat seconds since epoch
touch -t: change access and modification times
SetFile -d: change creation time